Helping People Achieve Their Goals
Hello, I am Paul Forchione. As an infant, I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It is a medical condition that causes paralyzation of one side of the body. The doctors detected this diagnoses when I was just an infant. The doctor told my mom I would never be able to walk and she should get me comfortable in a wheelchair. My mom disagreed with the doctor and went on an extreme search to find a specialist that could help me.
Intense Physical Therapy
After months of searching, we found someone who was willing to help us. That’s when I went through intense physical therapy, barely being able to walk. I was put in sports at a very early age and was extremely embarrassed by how little I could move around. I went through a surgery on my foot and was able to gain a little bit more mobility.
My Dreams Came True
Craving to be able to just fit in with the other kids, I was teased and was made fun of. I made a promise to myself at a very young age that I was going to ignore the negative noise, and began playing and loving baseball. As a young boy, I wanted to be able to play baseball at a high level. My dreams came true when I was able to make my varsity high school team in my junior year as a pitcher.
Influencing Others
I have always enjoyed the underdog story because I was an underdog! Now, as an adult, I want to help people achieve their goals and be a positive influence in their lives. I have my career coaching certificate and pride myself for influencing others to reach for their dreams and not let anyone put limits on them.